
The Importance of a Website and How Mobile Browsing is Now the Norm

Importance of Fixed Price Website, Importance of a Website

Here at Fixed Price Web, we provide affordable web design solutions to help your business grow. The importance of a Website is an essential component of any modern business – if you don’t have a website, you are only limiting your potential for growth!

However, it’s not just important to have a basic website. Browsing habits have evolved drastically in recent years, with more than half of all internet browsing happening on mobile devices. This means billions of people use their mobiles to browse and shop online!

Why is Mobile Browsing the New Norm?

Mobile use has quickly increased in the past decade, with people using smartphones to communicate, shop online, and consume entertainment. There are now over 4 billion unique mobile internet users as of 2022, with that number only going to rise.

To put things in perspective, around 55% of all global website traffic is happening on mobile devices.

Websites must cater to this trend, developing responsive websites that function across all devices, from desktop to mobile. The site needs to adapt to various screen sizes to ensure a consistent user experience across all devices, otherwise, users will go elsewhere.

Simply put, if your website isn’t optimized for mobile browsing, then people are going to visit other sites that are!

The Importance of a Website for Business

Unsure whether you need a website for your small business? Here are some simple but compelling reasons you need a business website!

Attract New Customers

Whether you are a brick-and-mortar business or are based entirely online, a website helps increase your visibility to new customers. Your target consumer will be using the internet to search for goods or services related to your business, so by having an online presence you increase how many customers can find you.

Finding new customers is essential for any business, with a website being one of the most effective ways to increase your reach.

Effective Branding

A website provides the perfect outlet to brand your business. Branding helps convey who you are and what you offer, and a website is a blank canvas for your branding.

Even small businesses benefit from good branding, helping to stand out from the competition and develop a bond with customers. Anything on your site can help brand your business, from the logo and overall design to your mission statement and about us.

Encourage Growth

Growth is the goal for any business, and a website offers a suitable platform or sustainable, long-term growth.

If you are a small business that has found success in a local market, then a website is a great chance to reach out into bigger markets. For example, if you sell products in a store, then adding an eCommerce website to your business could see a drastic increase in sales.

A good website lets you easily expand into newer markets with relative low risk. There are various marketing strategies you can implement on a website to encourage long-term growth and higher revenue.
